Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

We are committed to the protection of personal data we process – below you’ll find the Privacy Policy, which guides how we collect, use, transfer and store the information that you provide us with or that we collect about you when interacting with MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD.


Our contact details

MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD is a Fashion apparel and accessory curator and our office is located at Bangalore. 

To whom does this Privacy Policy apply?

This Privacy Policy applies to all persons whose personal data are processed by Mrja collective:

  • Visitors to the website of MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD ;
  • Visitors to the pop-up of MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD;
  • Recipients of newsletters and emails sent by MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD to visitors of our pop-ups and/or website;
  • All other persons who contact MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD or of whom MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD processes personal data.
  • This Privacy Policy does not apply to partners, employees, secondees, student interns and applicants.

What personal data do we process?

We process personal data you have provided to us, personal data generated during your visit to our pop-up and/or our website and when reading newsletters and emails sent by us to visitors of MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD. We also process personal data we have obtained from other sources such as Social Media platforms.

Potential personal data we collect:

  • Name, email address and/or your photo when you visit our Pop-ups.
  • Personal data obtained through or generated on our website, newsletters and commercial emails 
  • IP address
  • Your browsing behaviour on the website such as information on your first visit, previous visit and current visit, the visited pages and the manner in which you navigate on the website;
  • Whether you open a newsletter of email and what sections you select.


Cookies are files with a small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer’s hard drive. For certain sites on the MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD, registering or supplying personal information sets such a cookie. By setting this cookie, MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD will remember your details the next time you visit our Website, so you do not have to re-enter the information.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent at any time you would like. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Web Site. Cookies can be easily disabled or erased. Simply click on your respective browser type below to go directly to the respective user guide and to learn how to disable or erase cookies:

What do we use your personal data for?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

Maintaining contact with the visitors of our pop-ups and website.

Your contact details and photo will be recorded in our system and can be used to send you updates about MRJA COLLECTIVES PVT LTD.

Improving our communications on fashion appetite and behaviour.

We believe it is important to approach you with information that is relevant to you. We combine and analyse the personal data in our possession to do this. We correspondingly determine what information and channels are relevant and what the best times to provide information or to establish contact are. We do not process any special personal data or confidential information for marketing campaigns. We will need to ask your prior permission if we want to create a personal, individual profile. You can always withdraw this permission at a later time.

Understanding your interest in and views on sustainable fashion;

Improving our non-commercial fashion campaigns;

Express ourselves on public social media platforms. We only use your photo on social media platforms with your permissions, which may be revoked at any time. We are not responsible for the content of those websites or the services of these social media platforms. 

Improving and securing our website;

Preparing user statistics; The user statistics of the website enable us to get an idea of the number of visitors, the duration of the visits, what sections of the website are visited and the click-behaviour. These are generic reports without any information about individual persons. We use the collected information to improve the website.